Back Pain Associated with Puberty in Vacaville

Some children get excited about puberty because it takes them one step closer to becoming full-fledged adults. But there are some aspects of puberty that aren't given much attention. Hormones and mood swings are just a fraction of it because there are still more to be experienced.
Contrary to popular belief, growing pains aren't the only reason for back pain during puberty in Vacaville. They may play a big part but there are other factors that can cause upper, middle, and lower back pain for both male and female adolescence.
Pubescent girls & back pain
Young girls would reach puberty at an earlier age compared to boys by several years. Estrogen is the hormone that is responsible for the changes in a female body during puberty, which includes expanding hips, growth of breasts, start of menstrual cycle, and general growth. These changes are often accompanied by back pain, apart from the discomfort that they bring.
If the breasts grow faster than the rest of the body, then it could be a factor for back pain. Large breasts and back pain are a common problem, but the size is the determining factor for such a pain to occur. Another major cause of back pain for women going through puberty is the start of their menstrual period. Cramps and lower back pain work together, and the contractions of the uterus are the reason for this occurrence.
The reason why this pain happens to a growing body of a young girl is due to the changes being made to accommodate childbirth. Growth in the hips and breasts along with menstrual cramps are the causes for hip pain, lower back pain, and pain in the thighs.
Young boys & back pain
For young boys who are going through puberty, the cause for their back pain is growth spurts and that can be a painful process. Some boys grow slowly for a few years, which makes their pain less intense compared to those who seemingly grow several inches overnight. The degree of pain may vary in every boy, but the growing pains can happen to nearly all of them.
When a young boy starts growing into his adult body, the growth of the arms, legs, and hips will cause lower and middle back pain. These growing pains may sometimes make the muscles and joints seem like it's burning or tingling, and other times will feel as though the muscles are cramping and seizing.
Both young girls and boys are involved equally in sports, but young males tend to suffer back pain associated with excess physical activity. Of course, the back pain from physical activity happens as the body tries to accommodate the changes that are happening.
With that in mind, getting help from a clinic that specializes in spinal decompression can be incorporated to make it more manageable. This is a treatment that is safe for both young and old individuals. To learn more about this, just get in touch with Absolute Integrative Physical Medicine by dialing (707) 474-5688 today.
8:30am - 1:00pm
2:00pm - 7:00pm
9:00am - 1:00pm
2:00pm - 7:00pm
8:30am - 1:00pm
2:00pm - 7:00pm
9:00am - 1:00pm
2:00pm - 7:00pm
Absolute Integrative Physical Medicine
1490 Alamo Drive Suite B
Vacaville, CA 95687