Absolute Integrative Physical Medicine Blog

Is Spinal Decompression Right for You?

Is Spinal Decompression Right for You? If you’ve been experiencing back pain and other related symptoms for a long time, then you’ll feel that it’s been disrupting with your daily life. You won’t be thinking much of anything else except for finding relief for the pain that you’re having. Some people would take spinal decompression…

6 Common Cause of Sciatica

6 common cause of sciatica Sciatica in Vacaville is a type of pain that causes numbness, tingling, and sometimes weakness on the sciatic nerve. The sciatic nerve is the thickest in the body and it starts from the nerve roots that exits the spine in the lower back and sacrum and extends to the buttocks…

Vacaville Chiropractor Talks about Headaches

Chiropractor in Vacaville Talks about Headaches Headaches are an unfortunate part of daily life for thousands and thousands of people. Some headaches only happen occasionally, some happen frequently, some are dull and throbbing and others are sharp and intense. Headaches have many different causes, but just about all of them cause some sort of disruption…

Chiropractor in Vacaville Talks about Headaches

Chiropractor in Vacaville Talks about Headaches Headaches are an unfortunate part of daily life for thousands and thousands of people. Some headaches only happen occasionally, some happen frequently, some are dull and throbbing and others are sharp and intense. Headaches have many different causes, but just about all of them cause some sort of disruption…

Will Arthritis Worsen with Nightshade Vegetables?

Will Arthritis Worsen with Nightshade Vegetables? The nightshade family contains fruits and vegetables that are considered staple foods for many people. However, these foods contain solanine, which is a chemical that is known to aggravate arthritis pain or inflammation. The Arthritis Foundation doesn’t entirely support this claim but if a person feel that such foods…

Foods That Can Trigger Inflammation

Foods That Can Trigger Inflammation Inflammation can either be good or bad depending on the situation. It can be your body’s natural way of protecting itself whenever you’re sick or injured. On the other hand, having chronic, sustained inflammation is associated with an increased risk of diseases such as diabetes, obesity, and heart disease. The…