Common Back Injuries During Car Accidents

Common Back Injuries During Car Accidents

Car accidents are common, and they happen every single day. Unfortunately, these accidents don't happen only to cars, but it can also inflict some damage to the passengers as well. Of all the body parts that gets injured during these accidents, it's the back that ranks high on the list.

Even if it's only a minor accident, back injuries are sure to happen because the human body isn't designed to absorb such impact. Once the back is injured, it can gravely affect your daily life. So if you've been recently involved in a car accident and you feel like your back is hurting, Vacaville chiropractor Alex Tam will summarize in this article a couple of those injuries so that you'll have an idea on what it is exactly and which treatment is best pursued on that one.

Types of back injuries in Vacaville CA

There are 3 distinct areas in which the back is divided: thoracic vertebrae (upper back), lumbar vertebrae (lower back), and cervical vertebrae (neck). These sections of the vertebrae and the spinal cord are surrounded by discs, ligaments, tendons, muscles, and nerves in which an injury to those areas can cause varying degrees of pain. The pain can range from mild to debilitating, and temporary to permanent. The type of pain will vary on the impact during the car crash.

  • Herniated Discs - People involved in car accidents can commonly experience herniated discs. These discs serve are a cushion that protects the spine and separates the vertebrae. Once a disc becomes displaced, herniated discs occur. In some cases, a herniated disc can put pressure on the spinal cord as well as the surrounding nerves. Its symptoms include a sudden and intense pain in the back's lower region and even some numbness on the legs.
  • Lumbar Spine Injuries - The lumbar spine consists of the 5 largest vertebrae and the strongest muscles which are important in maintaining the stability of the spine. So, when the lumbar spine experiences a strain or sprain, it can become very painful. When a sprain happens, there is actual damage to the ligaments whereas a strain involves stretching of the ligaments, muscles, or tendons. No matter which type of injury has incurred, it may result in bruising, swelling, tenderness, and even limited movement to the victim. This will cause some inability for you to perform some daily activities.
  • Spinal Cord Injuries - The spinal cord is the most serious back injury that you can have during a car accident. The injuries involved may range from bruising or excessive pressure to permanent damage to the nerves and spinal cord which may even cause long term disability. Severe cases of spinal injury can sometimes result in partial or total paralysis, loss of reflex function, or loss of feeling in some body parts. Depending on the injury or the treatment, spinal cord injury victims may be put at risk for secondary medical problems such as bleeding, pneumonia, blood clots, spinal fluid leaks, and infection caused by surgery.
  • Thoracic Spine Injuries - An injury to the thoracic spine can become a serious case. The thoracic spine is connected to the ribs and chest area. High velocity car accidents can easily cause fractures and sprains in this area and there are instances where it can result in permanent nerve damage.


Some of you may not heard of this treatment but it's actually a non-surgical one and it uses a motorized traction to alleviate the pain on your back. This treatment works by incorporating a gentle stretch on the spine. It will change the position and force of the spine thus restoring its original form. To be specific, this change will remove the pressure from your spinal discs by putting some negative pressure on the disc. This results in making your bulging or herniated discs retract which then takes away any pressure off the nerves and other structures in your spine. It will hasten the healing process since it promotes movement of oxygen, water, and nutrient-rich fluids into the discs.

Apart from the injuries obtained during a car accident, this non-surgical approach can also treat the following:

  • Worm spinal joints
  • Injured or diseased spinal nerve roots
  • Back or neck pain or sciatica
  • Bulging or herniated discs or degenerative disc disease

Through this treatment at Absolute Integrative Physical Medicine in Vacaville, you can say goodbye to your back injury, and you can continue enjoying the joys of your daily life.


8:30am - 1:00pm
2:00pm - 7:00pm

9:00am - 1:00pm
2:00pm - 7:00pm

8:30am - 1:00pm
2:00pm - 7:00pm

9:00am - 1:00pm
2:00pm - 7:00pm




Absolute Integrative Physical Medicine

1490 Alamo Drive Suite B
Vacaville, CA 95687

(707) 474-5688