What is Fibroid Back Pain in Vacaville CA?

What is Fibroid Back Pain in Vacaville CA?

Chiropractic Vacaville CA Fibroid Back Pain

During a woman's reproductive years, fibroids can happen wherein it grows in their uterine lining. Since estrogen can trigger the growth of fibroids in Vacaville CA, they can begin during the early puberty years, and they start shrinking upon reaching the menopause stage.

For younger women who are within their childbearing years, they can consider surgery. But for women who are reaching menopause, most doctors would wait out the fibroids unless the pain is so severe that it can interfere with a woman's daily activities.

In most cases, fibroids are harmless, but they have the potential to cause complications. Subserosal fibroids can grow on the outer part of the uterus and can expand to the point where they can affect other parts of the body. Once they reach the spinal nerves, back pain is inevitable. Usually, fibroids never grow up to this point, so it is important to have it examined if it did. They are not linked to cancer, but it can cause the development of other problems like anemia, infertility, and pregnancy complications.

Risk Factors for Fibroid Back Pain in Vacaville CA

There are three factors that are linked to the development of fibroids - hereditary, race, and obesity. African American women are more likely to suffer from fibroids compared to other races, but heredity can also play a part in determining risk. If members of your family have a history of fibroids, there's a chance that you might develop them as well. According to studies, obesity has a higher risk factor for fibroids than women who maintained a healthy weight.

Remedies and Treatment

Even though it has been estimated that 75% of women will encounter this at one point or another, they are barely noticeable because they don't cause any problems. However, some women are unfortunate enough to experience symptoms like irregular or heavy menstrual period to sharp back pain. If you start experiencing lower back pain that isn't associated to any strenuous physical activity, you should have it checked with a doctor to see if it has been caused by fibroids. An examination like ultrasound or MRI can detect these growths.

There are natural remedies you can do to ease your back pain, and there are even medical remedies that are prescribed by doctors to alleviate fibroid-related back pain. If they cause some sort of discomfort, medication and exercises can manage it by shrinking it in size. Heat therapy is also another way of alleviating pain from fibroids. Some women even turn to chiropractors for their back pain or other holistic methods like acupuncture and meditation.

Fibroids can rarely cause symptoms, and when they become large enough to cause debilitating back pain, a medical professional can help diagnose and treat it. Your doctor can help tell if there are natural ways that can manage the pain or if your fibroids need to be removed to prevent further complications.

If you need more help, just get in touch with our clinic here at Absolute Integrative Physical Medicine in Vacaville, CA. Just give us a call at (707) 474-5688 to setup an appointment with our clinic and get yourself treated today.


8:30am - 1:00pm
2:00pm - 7:00pm

9:00am - 1:00pm
2:00pm - 7:00pm

8:30am - 1:00pm
2:00pm - 7:00pm

9:00am - 1:00pm
2:00pm - 7:00pm




Absolute Integrative Physical Medicine

1490 Alamo Drive Suite B
Vacaville, CA 95687

(707) 474-5688