Simple Steps to Relieve Migraine Pain in Vacaville

Simple Steps to Relieve Migraine Pain in Vacaville

Chiropractic Vacaville CA Simple Steps to Relieve Migraine Pain

Migraines in Vacaville can cause pain the same way you can feel with other injuries. However, healthy habits and other nonmedical remedies can help stop migraines before they even start.

There are medications that are proven effective in treating and preventing migraines. But it is only part of the story. You need to also take care of yourself and understand coping mechanics when a migraine starts.

The same lifestyle choices to achieve an overall good health can also reduce the frequency and severity of your migraines. Medication, along with these behavioral measures and lifestyle, can be an effective combination to fight off this type of pain.

lifestyle changes in Vacaville

Here are the lifestyle changes that you can apply for migraines:

Find a calm environment

When you notice first signs of migraine, take a break and if possible, stop whatever it is that you are doing.

  • Turn off the lights. Having a migraine attack can make you sensitive to light and sound. You need to relax in a dark, quiet room and try to sleep if you can.
  • Consider temperature therapy. Apply cold or hot compresses to your head and neck. Ice packs can provide a numbing effect, which can help dull the sensation of pain. Hot packs can relax tense muscles and if you don't have it, a warm bath or shower may also provide a similar effect.
  • Drink a caffeinated beverage. Drinking caffeine in small amounts can relieve migraine during its early stages or enhance the pain-reducing effects of acetaminophen and aspirin. However, you should be mindful of your caffeine consumption because too much of it can lead to withdrawal headaches later on. Also, drinking caffeine too late in the day can interrupt with your sleep, which can also affect migraines.

Sleep well

Migraines may prevent you from falling asleep or even wake you up at night. Likewise, migraines can also be triggered by a poor night's sleep. Read these tips on how to promote a sound sleep.

  • Establish regular sleep hours. Maintain the same time you wake up and go to bed each day. If you plan on taking a nap during the day, just keep it short. Naps that are longer than 20 to 30 minutes can interrupt with your nighttime sleep.
  • Unwind at the end of the day. If you have anything in mind that helps you relax and can promote better sleep, then do it. It can be something like listening to soothing music, soaking in a warm bath or reading a favorite book.
  • Minimize distractions. Your bedroom should be mainly for sleep and intimacy. Avoid watching television or taking work materials to bed. Make sure to close the door and use a fan to muffle distracting noises.
  • Don't try hard to sleep. The harder you try to sleep, the more awake you will be. If sleeping is hard, do a quiet activity until you become drowsy.
  • Check your medications. Medications containing caffeine or other stimulants can also interfere with your sleep.

Eat wisely

Your eating habits can also affect the frequency of migraines. Make sure to consider the following basics:

  • Be consistent. Follow the same eating time every day.
  • Don't skip meals. Fasting too often can increase the frequency of migraines.
  • Keep a food journal. Keep track of the foods that you eat so that you can know if any of them triggers your migraines.
  • Avoid foods that trigger migraines. If you suspect that a certain food triggers your migraine, eliminate it from your diet and see what happens.

Exercise regularly

Doing physical activities can help your body release certain chemicals that block pain signals to your brain. These chemicals can also alleviate anxiety and depression, in which they have been linked to the intensity of a migraine.

Obesity can also increase the risk of chronic headaches. You can maintain a healthy weight through diet and exercise plus it can benefit you in managing migraines.

If your doctor agrees with it, choose any exercise you feel like doing. Cycling, swimming, and walking are good choices to start. Just remember to ease into exercise gradually since doing a very vigorous exercise can also trigger migraines.

Manage stress

Migraines and stress often go hand in hand. There is no denying that stress is part of our daily lives, but you can keep it under control to help manage your migraines. You can do the following practices:

  • Simplify your life. Avoid squeezing in more activities and chores into the day. Instead, leave some things out especially if they are not a major priority.
  • Manage your time wisely. Update your daily to-do list both at home and at work. Delegate what you can and divide the large projects into manageable portions.
  • Take a break. If you feel overwhelmed, stop your task, and take a walk to help renew your energy.
  • Adjust your attitude. Stay positive all the time. If you find yourself doing an impossible task, then switch gears. Dive into a mindset where you think that a task may be tough, but you can make it work.
  • Enjoy yourself. Find time to do something you enjoy for at least 15 minutes each day. It could be something like playing games, pursuing a hobby, or having coffee with a friend. Doing things that you enjoy can help fight off stress.
  • Relax. Deep breathing from your diaphragm can put you in a relaxed state. Focus on inhaling and exhaling deeply and slowly for at least 10 minutes each day. It may also help relax your muscles, one group at a time. Once done, sit quietly for a minute or two.

Strive for balance

Living with migraines is a daily challenge. However, making healthy choices and asking your loved ones for support can make a big difference.

If you think that your migraines are triggered by an underlying source, don't hesitate to ask a professional for help. For this instance, you can dial the number (707) 474-5688 so that you can get in touch with Absolute Integrative Physical Medicine. Make an appointment with them so that you can determine if your migraine is being triggered by something else.


8:30am - 1:00pm
2:00pm - 7:00pm

9:00am - 1:00pm
2:00pm - 7:00pm

8:30am - 1:00pm
2:00pm - 7:00pm

9:00am - 1:00pm
2:00pm - 7:00pm




Absolute Integrative Physical Medicine

1490 Alamo Drive Suite B
Vacaville, CA 95687

(707) 474-5688