Types of Diabetic Neuropathy in Vacaville

There are several types of diabetic neuropathy: autonomic, focal, peripheral, and proximal. The reason why diabetic neuropathy comes in many forms is that we have different kinds of nerves in the body that performs specific functions. Depending on which type of diabetic neuropathy that you have, your symptoms and treatment in Vacaville will vary.
Types of Diabetic Neuropathy in Vacaville
- Autonomic Neuropathy - Your autonomic nerves are responsible for making your body move as it should. There are many things that functions in your body and you're probably not even aware of some of them. For example, your breathing, heart pumping, and stomach digestion are some of the things that your autonomic nerves handle.
- The autonomic nervous system handles your body's homeostasis wherein it should maintain its normal, balanced state. Once diabetes damages your autonomic nerves, your body will have problems maintaining its homeostasis.
- Autonomic neuropathy can feel daunting because it can affect many of your body's systems. However, your symptoms will depend on which specific nerves have been damaged by this disease.
- Focal Neuropathy (Mononeuropathy) - Unlike the other neuropathies in the list, focal neuropathy affects only one specific nerve. This is the reason why it's also called mononeuropathy.
- This type of neuropathy can come on suddenly, wherein it mostly affects nerves in the head. But there are cases where it can affect the torso and legs.
- When focal neuropathy affects the legs, it can cause muscle weakness and shooting pain on that area. The pain that it causes is only pinpointed to a very specific location on the legs and not widespread.
- Peripheral Neuropathy (Diabetic Nerve Pain or Distal Polyneuropathy) - This is the most common form of neuropathy that's caused by diabetes. It can affect the nerves leading to your extremities - hands, arms, legs, and feet. The nerves running through your feet are the longest in your body. After they branch off the spinal cord in the lumbar region, they have to travel all the way down your legs and feet, which is quite a considerable distance.
- Since the nerves leading to your feet are long, they're the ones that are easily damaged. This nerve damage can cause foot problems associated with diabetes including amputations, infections, ulcers, and foot deformities.
- Proximal Neuropathy (Diabetic Amyotrophy) - The other term for this type of neuropathy is diabetic amyotrophy wherein myo means muscle, which implies that it causes muscle weakness. It mostly affects the muscles in the upper part of your buttocks, hips, and leg(s).
- Proximal neuropathy can sometimes involve nerve pain, especially on pain that shoots from the low back and down the leg. This is also referred to as sciatica because of how the condition fits the description.
- This is also known as the second most common type of diabetic neuropathy. It is very common among elderly people with diabetes and it can be resolved with time or treatment.
So, if you're suffering from neuropathy, don't just wait for it to disappear. Instead, contact Absolute Integrative Physical Medicine by dialing (707) 474-5688 today and schedule a consultation. Dr. Alex Tam will be more than happy to assist you and get your treatment process started.
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2:00pm - 7:00pm
8:30am - 1:00pm
2:00pm - 7:00pm
9:00am - 1:00pm
2:00pm - 7:00pm
Absolute Integrative Physical Medicine
1490 Alamo Drive Suite B
Vacaville, CA 95687