Upper Back Pain When Golfing in Vacaville CA

The common injury that occurs between golfers in Vacaville CA is upper and lower back pain. This is because of the difficult position in a swing, which requires the upper body to rotate to such a degree that a strain will most likely occur. Arthritis, lower back pain, upper back pain, and herniated spinal discs can happen to every golfer because it creates this unnatural twisting motion between the upper and lower back. The tolerance level for the torsion involved in the swing can depend on the age, physical fitness, joint stiffness, ligaments and muscles, and incorrect form or posture. However, golfers of any age or fitness level are still prone to upper and lower back pain. It is best to understand what causes it, how to prevent it, and what to do if it happens.
Proper Golfing Technique in Vacaville CA
To help your body lessen the negative impact that golf might have, it is ideal to learn the proper techniques such as posture since it plays a key role in letting you have a better swing.
You can start by using golf clubs that are the right weight and height for your size and fitness while also ensuring that you have a perfect posture. It is best to also learn from professionals because they can provide you with more tips that you have never even thought of. Even if you can't experience the physical benefits at first, you might still knock a few points off your score.
Before you even pickup a golf club, stretching is an extremely important thing to do first. You must concentrate stretching your shoulders, back, core, and hips. Bring each of your knees to your chest while standing to help stretch your hips and hamstrings. Simple toe-touches can also help prep your hamstrings as well. Gently rotate your waist with your arms extending to stretch your side abdominal muscles. For your shoulders and arms, reach for the ceiling as high as you can then drop your arms and shake them out, slowly and repeatedly. All these stretching exercises won't take you more than 8 minutes and it will surely help you on those 18 holes. Put an effort into doing all these stretches because the more you do it, the more limber you'll become and less prone to injury.
If you have the time, some strength-training routine with weights and cardiovascular exercise is also ideal. Lifting weights can strengthen your arms, back, core, and legs for injury prevention. A good cardiovascular workout will enhance the weight training and provide you with an improved circulation and oxygenation, thus resulting in a more enjoyable golf experience.
But if you do get injured while playing golf, you need to seek a doctor's care right away. You will most likely be prescribed with analgesics, give the affected area some rest, and icing down the injury. Make sure to also stay away from heavy lifting for a few days, go easy on your regular workouts, or skipping it altogether for a couple of days. This will allot some time for your body to heal the affected areas and allow you to get back to golfing in no time.
For more advice on back pain management, you can ask us here at Absolute Integrative Physical Medicine in Vacaville, CA. We are always ready to attend to your needs so just call us at (707) 474-5688 to setup an appointment for yourself.
8:30am - 1:00pm
2:00pm - 7:00pm
9:00am - 1:00pm
2:00pm - 7:00pm
8:30am - 1:00pm
2:00pm - 7:00pm
9:00am - 1:00pm
2:00pm - 7:00pm
Absolute Integrative Physical Medicine
1490 Alamo Drive Suite B
Vacaville, CA 95687