Avoid These Clothing Items If You Have Back or Neck Pain in Vacaville

The most obvious causes of neck and back pain in Vacaville usually come from a sports injury, hunching over your computer, or wrenching your back while doing gardening stuff.
There are also instances where your neck and backaches, but you have no idea what triggered it. This can be frustrating because you have no idea how to treat it. If you tried narrowing down all the possible causes and have not found the culprit, then perhaps you should take a look at the clothes you wear. In fact, even if you did narrow down the trigger, your clothing could make your condition even worse.
So, if your back pain continues to annoy you then it's best to avoid these clothing items in Vacaville.
- Flip-Flops - Flip-flops lack structure since it requires your toes to "hold" the footwear in place every time you take a step. This can alter your gait, which can lead to a shorter stride length and a larger ankle angle as you grip it with your toes. Apart from causing issues with your hips, knees, and lower legs, it can also cause back pain.
- High heels - The muscle coordination in your hips and trunk is altered every time you wear high heels. This can lead to abnormal spine loading patterns and can make you at risk for developing musculoskeletal injuries. If ever you are required to wear high heels, make sure to keep them short and limit the time you spend on using them.
- Heavy backpacks - Every time you wear a backpack improperly, it changes your postural angles and increased pain. The postural changes of children wearing backpacks worsen because of the weight of the pack and the time spent in carrying the load. This can increase their risk of pain that can carry over in adulthood as back pain. Also, adults who are wearing backpacks are not exempted from this problem as well.
- Tight neckties - A tight necktie can lessen the range of motion in your neck and can put muscle tension in your neck, shoulders, and back. To know if your necktie is too tight, try slipping a finger in between your neck and shirt collar. If it can't go through, it means that you're wearing your tie tightly.
- Skinny jeans and pencil skirts - Women love wearing these, but the problem is that it prohibits them from moving naturally. This makes bending over difficult because you can't bend your knees, which can potentially cause pulled muscle or disc problems. They can also change your normal walking gait and posture, leading to back pain.
- Improperly fitted bras - If the bra is not properly fitted, it can't provide proper support, which can increase your risk of back and breast pain. This is made even worse if you have thin straps since it will put pressure on your shoulders.
- Heavy necklaces - Your neck is already supporting the heavy weight of your head so imagine adding a heavy necklace to its responsibilities. This could be the tipping point that could lead to the development of its pain.
- Halter tops - This type of top has a tendency of pulling your neck forward since they don't distribute the weight evenly across your shoulders. It is even worse for women with a large bust and it may happen on any type of halter top, bikini top, sports bra, etc.
Avoiding these clothing items may help with your relief but it would be best if you have your neck and back pain treated by a specialist. If you want, you can come over to our clinic at Absolute Integrative Physical Medicine in Vacaville, CA to have it checked. Just inform us by calling (707) 474-5688 and set up an appointment today.
8:30am - 1:00pm
2:00pm - 7:00pm
9:00am - 1:00pm
2:00pm - 7:00pm
8:30am - 1:00pm
2:00pm - 7:00pm
9:00am - 1:00pm
2:00pm - 7:00pm
Absolute Integrative Physical Medicine
1490 Alamo Drive Suite B
Vacaville, CA 95687