Importance of Using Your Phone with Proper Posture in Vacaville

Importance of Using Your Phone with Proper Posture in Vacaville

When you're using your phone, you'd normally be engaged in an uncomfortable posture that could hurt your neck. This health threat has been classified as "text neck" where it has now joined "texting while driving" and "distracted walking" as part of the smartphone technology plague.

With the help of technology, we can stay in touch with our loved at any time because of how we always have our smartphones with us. But because of this, this has opened up some problems on our neck health. As for text neck, this condition happens when pain arises from the ever-increasing use of our cellphones.

The emergence of text neck

When you look down at your phone, it changes the curvature of your upper spine in many unhealthy ways. If you're a frequent texter, you'd normally experience headaches and neck pain especially when you spend hours bending your head over your device. Over time, the hunched texting posture will put pressure on the cervical spine and may even lead to premature disc degeneration. This kind of problem is known as text neck and it can be unhealthy for you particularly on your posture. So if you don't want to fall into this kind of unhealthy posture, then this article will provide you with tips on how to do just that.

Reduce the pain through these easy changes

  • Limit the use of your device and take frequent breaks - You should be mindful of your level of comfort. Once you feel like it's starting to get uncomfortable, change your position right away. If possible, take a 20 to 30-minute break from using your phone then move and stretch your body. Make sure to remind yourself that you must lift your sternum and tuck in your chin. It may be a simple adjustment to your head and upper spine but it sure does put you right back into a proper position.
  • Use an app for that - There are Watch Your Neck or Text Neck Indicator apps that you can download and use. These apps will tell you if you are holding your phone upright at an eye level position and will warn you if you're tilting your device too far back. This is a great app to use especially on reminding you about the proper posture you should be at.
  • Be mindful of your posture - You should do a mental check when you stand and sit. Are you straightening your head enough that your ears are positioned well over your shoulders? Are your shoulders hunched or your shoulder blades retracted? Do this check in front of the mirror and set a goal on which is the perfect posture you should follow when using your phone.
  • Hold your device at eye level - Always be aware if you're tilting your neck whenever you text. You should try sitting with your head and back against the wall while slightly bending your knees. Then text with your phone on your knees while maintaining your spine's natural curve with your head erect. This is a great practice until you're used to it. It will help you be more aware the next time you're texting while standing.
  • Utilize the voice-activated feature instead of texting - The best thing about smartphones is that they come with voice-activated assistants like Siri or Voice Search to maximize the user experience. Apart from being your virtual assistant, they can also help you out in composing your message. You can use these features when texting which will reduce the effort and most importantly, prevent you from hunching your neck.
  • Do neck exercises to keep it strong and flexible - There are exercises that are focused on strengthening your neck muscles and making them flexible. This will go great especially if you're stuck into using your phone for most of the time. In addition to that, you can also work on your core muscles in the abdomen and lower back since they are also important in supporting your upper body. Any exercise program that combines neck and core strengthening as well as flexibility are the best ones that you need to incorporate.

These practices are best for your neck and you won't have to worry about getting the text neck anymore. Anyone should be more aware of this considering how the era of smartphones has taken over.

Call Absolute Integrative Physical Medicine in Vacaville today to schedule an appointment if you are suffering from text neck.


8:30am - 1:00pm
2:00pm - 7:00pm

9:00am - 1:00pm
2:00pm - 7:00pm

8:30am - 1:00pm
2:00pm - 7:00pm

9:00am - 1:00pm
2:00pm - 7:00pm




Absolute Integrative Physical Medicine

1490 Alamo Drive Suite B
Vacaville, CA 95687

(707) 474-5688